EuroLat “expects and hopes” Colombia will approve peace deal on 2 October

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 september 2016, 11:08.

Members of the Euro-Latin American parliamentary Assembly “expect and hope” that the “historic” peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will be approved in the referendum to be held on 2 October. Once the deal is approved and the definitive and irreversible laying down of weapons is confirmed, they add, the FARC should be removed from the EU i’s list of terrorist organisations.

In a joint declaration, the two co-presidents of the Assembly, Ramón Jáuregui (S&D, ES) and Roberto Requião (Brazi), call on the Government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) to move forward in negotiations in order to reach a “comprehensive and definitive peace.”

The parliamentarians insist that peace “can only be built on the foundation of respect for victims, truth and justice” and welcome the trust fund established by the European Commission with €70 million to finance socio-economic projects in the areas worst hit by the internal armed conflict.

Representatives of both the European Parliament and Latin American components of EuroLat will travel next week to Colombia for the referendum and, on behalf of Eurolat, will advocate endorsing the deal.

The joint declaration summarises the conclusions of four days of debates in Montevideo (Uruguay), from 19 to 22 September. The EuroLat plenary passed resolutions on bilateral trade relations and those of both regions with China, the common digital agenda, financing of political parties and combatting poverty, and took note of a recommendation on migration.


In view of the political situation in Venezuela and the social and economic crisis faced by its people, EuroLat calls on the Government and opposition to comply fully with constitutional order and use dialogue as a democratic instrument to resolve political conflicts. It supports the open nationwide dialogue between representatives of the Government, the National Assembly and the political parties, and backs the ongoing mediation efforts of UNASUR, the Organisation of American States, the Vatican, and the European diplomatic corps.


EuroLat parliamentarians are also worried about the situation in Brazil and urge all political movements to take a “mature, measured approach.” They condemn the repression of peaceful demonstrations and the “persecution of members of the former government and the legal harassment of former President Lula”.

Migration crisis in Europe

The EU must ensure the reception of refugees fleeing war and comply with the principles enshrined in international conventions on asylum, underlines EuroLat, which also calls for sufficient financial resources and unambiguous policies on solidarity and the prosecution and sentencing of those guilty of racist and xenophobic acts.

Bilateral relations, trade and China

European and Latin American parliamentarians are satisfied with the progress of the EU-Mercosur negotiations, Ecuador’s accession to the existing Multi-party Agreement between the EU and Peru and Colombia, the updating of existing agreements between the EU and Mexico and Chile and the nascent process of stepping up relations with Cuba. They underline that the aim should be to reach “symmetrical agreements that benefit all signatories equally” and contribute effectively to reduce poverty.

On the consequences of other trade deals, such as that being negotiated by the EU and US (TTIP) and the TransPacific Partnership (TPP), they see these as a good opportunity for deepening relations between the EU and the Latin American and Caribbean countries, provided that they take account of the interests and needs of developing countries and include safeguards on transparency, human rights and fighting corruption and tax evasion.

Noting Europe’s current opposition to awarding China market economy status until such time as it meets all of the obligations incumbent upon it, and also the differing positions in Latin America on this topic, EuroLat urges China to make progress in areas such as fundamental rights, improving social, working and environmental conditions, transparency, intellectual property rights, public procurement rules, customs arrangements, food and product safety and combating trade in illegal goods.

Note to editors

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) is the parliamentary institution of the Bi-regional Strategic Association established in June 1999 in the context of the EU-CELAC Summit (between European Union-Latin American and Caribbean). EuroLat was created in 2006. It meets in plenary session once a year.

EuroLat is a multilateral Parliamentary Assembly composed of 150 members, 75 from the European Parliament and 75 from the Latin America, including Parlatino (Latin American Parliament), Parlandino (Andean Parliament), Parlacen (Central American Parliament) and Parlasur (Mercosur Parliament). The Mexican and Chilean congresses are also represented via the EU/Mexico and EU/Chile joint parliamentary committees.

REF. : 20160923IPR43822