I. Korčok: Important decision on Bosnia and Herzegovina taken at General Affairs Council

Met dank overgenomen van Slowaaks voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2016 (EU2016SK) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 september 2016.

"Two items from the Bratislava Roadmap will be discussed at the European Council in October."

Ivan Korčok

Main results

The Council held its first discussion on the Commission's mid-term review of the EU's budgetary framework covering the years 2014 to 2020. The presidency immediately launched work on this file by tasking the Council's preparatory bodies to carry out a detailed examination of the Commission's proposals.

''On behalf of the Presidency, I would like to stress that we are ready to invest all our energy in achieving positive results as soon as possible,'' said Ivan Korčok, the President of the Council.

European Council

Ministers began the preparations for the October European Council by discussing a provisional agenda. EU leaders will meet in Brussels on 20 and 21 October to take stock of the latest developments with regard to migration, as well as have a comprehensive discussion on EU trade policy and relations with Russia. Ministers also assessed the state of play of the implementation of the conclusions adopted by the June European Council.

Commission 2017 work programme

Following President Juncker's speech on the state of the European Union ministers discussed the Commission's main political priorities for its 2017 work programme as set out in a letter of intent. They broadly supported the Commission's intentions and indicated those specific measures on which they would like to put most emphasis. The ministers' comments will help the Commission prepare its work programme that it is expected to adopt in October.

Ivan Korčok said: ''Our ultimate goal is to improve and better coordinate the work of all institutions. We will therefore adopt later this year a joint declaration of the Commission, the Council and the Parliament on common priorities for the following year''.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Council adopted conclusions asking the Commission to assess Bosnia and Herzegovina's application for EU membership. The Council welcomed the progress made by the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities in implementing their reform agenda and invited them to continue their efforts to the benefit of their citizens. This should include socio-economic reforms, reforms in the area of rule of law and public administration.

''Credible enlargement policy is one of the top priorities of the Presidency and I am glad that we are delivering. Enlargement is an indispensable tool at our disposal to promote democracy, stability and prosperity in our neighbourhood. And if a country delivers, the EU should deliver, too,'' concluded Ivan Korčok.

Council conclusions on the application of Bosnia and Herzegovina for membership of the EU

Press conference following the General Affairs Council