Ninth EuroLat plenary session: migration, trade and research

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 september 2016, 12:02.

Managing global migration flows, trade relations between the EU i and Latin American countries, and between both regions and China, plus the setting-up of an EU-CELAC Common Research Area, will be key agenda items at the ninth plenary session of the Euro-Latin American parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat) next week in Montevideo (Uruguay).

The 150 Eurolat members are invited to gather from 19 to 22 September in the “Palacio Legislativo” side of the Uruguayan Parliament, where they will discuss and approve six resolutions drafted by the committees on Political affairs, Economic affairs, Social affairs, Sustainable development, and the Working Group on Migration.

Also on the agenda are fighting organised crime and terrorism, financing of political parties, developing the common digital agenda between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, corporate social responsibility, combatting informal and undeclared work, and the challenges and opportunities of shale gas.

There will also be meetings with civil society representatives and of the Euro-Latin American Women’s Forum.

The European delegation will be led by Parliament´s Vice-President Antonio Tajani (EPP, IT) and the President of European component of the Assembly, Ramón Jáuregui (S&D, ES).

For the Latin American side, Co-President Roberto Requião (Brazil), the interim President of Uruguay, Senator Raúl Sendic, the President of Parlasur Jorge Taiana (Argentina) and the acting President of the Uruguayan Senate, Lucia Topolansky will also attend.

Press conference

Tuesday, 20 September, 12.30 (following the opening of the plenary session) - co-presidents Ramón JÁUREGUI and Roberto REQUIÃO.


The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) is the parliamentary institution of the Bi-regional Strategic Association established in June 1999 in the context of the EU-CELAC Summit (between European Union-Latin American and Caribbean). EuroLat was created in 2006. It meets in plenary session once a year.

EuroLat is a multilateral Parliamentary Assembly composed of 150 members, 75 from the European Parliament and 75 from the Latin America, including Parlatino (Latin American Parliament), Parlandino (Andean Parliament), Parlacen (Central American Parliament) and Parlasur (Mercosur Parliament). The Mexican and Chilean congresses are also represented via the EU/Mexico and EU/Chile joint parliamentary committees.

REF. : 20160916IPR43155