Council conclusions on Afghanistan

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 18 juli 2016.

The Council adopted conclusions on Afghanistan, endorsing the second annual implementation report of the "European Union Afghanistan Strategy: 2014-16". The Council affirms in particular that the EU and member states overarching strategic goal should remain the development of Afghan institutions to safeguard progress to date and to make further progress in the development of a more effective and ultimately sustainable Afghan state. Key objectives are to promote security; reinforce democracy; encourage economic and human development ; strengthen the rule of law, including the fight against corruption, and the protection and promotion of human rights in particular the rights of women, including in the context of the peace process and continue the fight against the narcotic and drug industry.

The conclusions also mention the forthcoming Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, scheduled for 4-5 October and to be co-chaired by the EU and the Afghan government. The conference is expected to focus in particular on: progress in Afghan state and institution building through implementation of the reform agenda; international support in view of sustained funding at or near the current levels until 2020 as well as regional support for a political process towards peace and reinforced cross-border economic cooperation.