Remarks by President Donald Tusk at the press conference after the 11th ASEM summit In Ulaanbaatar

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 16 juli 2016.

First of all let me thank President Elbegdorj and his dedicated team for the efficient organisation of the 11th ASEM Summit. Thank you also for sharing a beautiful and unforgettable insight into Mongolian culture at the Naadam festival yesterday.

Unfortunately, this summit has not only been unforgettable because of the Naadam festival but also because of the dramatic events that have shaken the world during the last days: the attack in Nice and the military coup attempt in Turkey. Both events serve as a strong reminder of the importance of global dialogue, cooperation, mutual respect and understanding. Let the message of solidarity of our entire community in the face of terrorism and violence be an important message to the world.

This morning we discussed the situation in Turkey among the EU leaders and institutions present here at the ASEM summit. Turkey is a key partner for the European Union. The EU fully supports the democratically elected government, the institutions of the country and the rule of law. We call for a swift return to Turkey's constitutional order. We continue to follow closely the developments and to coordinate with the 28 EU Member States.

Let me now return to the ASEM summit. The European Union attaches great importance to our partnership with Asia. ASEM represents 60% of the world's population, trade and GDP. We have weight. The question is how we use it for positive purposes. This is also what we discussed in Beijing earlier this week at our bilateral EU-China summit in a very constructive and friendly atmosphere. Another sign of the importance of strong, close relations between Europe and Asia.

Together we can make a difference. The terrorist attacks in Nice on July 14 and in Dhaka only two weeks ago demonstrate all too clearly that terrorism is a global phenomenon affecting both our continents and beyond. It requires global cooperation to fight this inhumane, violent plague. That is why I welcome our joint statement on counter-terrorism as an important result of this summit.

We also addressed the global challenge of migration. This is an issue that will feature on the agenda of the G20 Summit hosted by China in September.

How to strengthen Asia-Europe cooperation on international and regional security of common interest has also been central to our talks. Developments in our respective neighbourhoods, in particular, Ukraine, South China Sea and the Korean Peninsula reflect the need to protect the rules-based international order, in the best interest of our peoples.

This Summit marked 20 years of bringing Asia and Europe together. We now leave Ulaanbaatar with a renewed will to strengthen our partnership further in view of the next ASEM Summit destination in Brussels in 2018. So let me conclude by once again thanking President Elbegdorj and the people of Mongolia for their hospitality and excellent job in organising this important summit. Thank you.