European Commission announces €145 million in humanitarian aid for 7 countries in the Sahel

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 juli 2016.

Today the European Commission will announce over €145 million in humanitarian assistance for Africa's Sahel region in 2016 to address the basic needs of the populations, tackle malnutrition and provide food to the most vulnerable people.

"Saving lives continues to be the EU's first priority in Niger and the Sahel region. Our new humanitarian funding will provide essential nutrition and health treatment to young children and their mothers, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as training and support to health centres. The EU is working hand in hand with humanitarian organisations to help the most vulnerable", said Commissioner Christos Stylianides i, who will visit EU funded aid projects in Niger.

A significant amount, totalling €29 million will be allocated to the most vulnerable in Niger. The country is facing persistent acute food insecurity, child malnutrition and the displacement of people fleeing conflicts in neighbouring Mali and Nigeria.

Overall, funding will be provided to those in need in 7 countries; Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Chad and Cameroon. The Sahel is one of poorest regions in the world, with 2 million children severely malnourished and more than 6 million people in need of emergency food assistance.

Breakdown of the €145 million in 'EU humanitarian funding for the Sahel region':



Burkina Faso














West Africa regional programmes





EU humanitarian funding for the Sahel region in 2016 will aim to respond to immediate needs triggered by conflicts, acute malnutrition, and contribute to the resilience-building efforts of the most vulnerable populations. It will also be used to help meet the basic needs of those affected by conflict through the provision of food, health, shelter and protection.

The Sahel region continues to face a food and nutrition crisis. The prospects for 2016 are worrying, as surveys conducted in 2015 indicate a continuous increase in the number of children affected by severe malnutrition in many countries in the region. The situation in northern Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Mali is critical.

Emergency needs in the Sahel will persist unless the root causes of food insecurity and malnutrition are addressed and the resilience of the most vulnerable is strengthened. The European Commission has supported the creation of the Global Alliance for Resilience (AGIR) in West Africa which has set a ‘zero hunger’ goal by 2032.

For more information:

Sahel factsheet

Burkina Faso factsheet

Chad factsheet

Cameroon factsheet

Mali factsheet

Niger factsheet

Nigeria factsheet


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General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email