Peter Žiga Signed Memorandum on Eastring Pipeline with His Bulgarian Partner

Met dank overgenomen van Slowaaks voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2016 (EU2016SK) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 juli 2016.

Bratislava (13 July 2016) - In the framework of the informal Council meeting of Energy Ministers held in Bratislava today, Peter Žiga, Minister of Economy, and Žečo Stankov, State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy of the Bulgarian Republic, signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Eastring project. Both the Slovak and the Bulgarian sides consider it to be an important launch of the process of expressing support for the project which is expected to lead to its effective implementation.

The Slovak side considers Eastring to be one of the most important projects to achieve the EU objective in the field of diversification of transport routes and enhancement of energy security in Central and South-Eastern Europe. The Slovak Republic has deliberately and on a long-term basis pursued its effective preparation and construction.

“The Memorandum represents the actors´ expression of political support for the project at the highest level. By signing the declaration we have sent a positive political signal to enhance its position within the PCI project competition and presented a good argument for obtaining co-financing at the European level,“ said Minister Peter Žiga. “We will call upon other participating countries to express the same kind of support at the highest political level,” he added.

“The Memorandum represents the actors´ expression of political support for the project at the highest level."

Peter Žiga

Eastring is a common project of a gas connection line between Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia. It is a bidirectional gas pipeline with the planned capacity of 20-40 billion m3/year, in two possible alternatives: either as a new pipeline combined with maximum possible use of the existing transport infrastructures of Romania and Bulgaria, or by means of a completely new pipeline (long route from Malkoclar up to Veľké Kapušany).

The Slovak Republic has pursued the implementation of the Eastring project on a long-term basis mainly in connection with numerous benefits. The project would contribute to energy security and to the diversification of natural gas supplies to Europe. It would involve supplies of new gas from the Caspian region in the context of the Energy Union, provide a corridor for the transport of natural gas from South-Eastern Europe to Western Europe, and would largely contribute to the integration of gas markets. Compared to other projects, this project represents the most effective solution in terms of economy by enabling further use of the existing Romanian and Bulgarian transit infrastructure. It will be available to all prospective customers in full compliance with EU rules.