European Parliament hosts ‘Magical Slovakia’ photo exhibition

Met dank overgenomen van Slowaaks voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2016 (EU2016SK) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 7 juli 2016.

Strasbourg (6 July 2016) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico i and European Parliament President Martin Schulz i opened a photography exhibition entitled ‘Magical Slovakia’ in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday. The exhibition aims to showcase Slovakia through unique documentary and art photographs that offer an unparalleled glimpse of Slovakia from diverse perspectives.

‘I want to thank, first of all, the Slovak Presidency for the exhibition, and thank you very much for the opportunity to open it together, Prime Minister,’ Mr Schulz said, when launching the event along with Mr Fico. Thirty full-colour photographs are on show to present various beautiful sites in Slovakia, including mountains, spas, caves, towns and the picturesque wooden houses of Čičmany. The photographs on display show, among other things, Bratislava Castle, the towns of Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica, and St. Elisabeth’s Cathedral in Košice. During the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU, in addition to the exhibition at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the works of art will be on display at all Slovak embassies across the world.

The photographs are the work of Laco Struhár, who concentrates on landscape and advertising photography, but is also known for his work in architectural photography. Mr Struhár has won major awards for several of his 15 representative photographic publications. He has also produced the photographs for 56 representative wall calendars to be seen at several ministries and notable businesses in Slovakia.

Photographs by Laco Struhár

A short video from the opening of the ‘Magical Slovakia’ exhibition

PHOTO: EU 2016 - EP