Video Diplomatic Café: 8-9 July NATO Summit insights

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 juli 2016.

ViEUws and B2 go behind-the-scene of European diplomacy. Nicolas Gros-Verheyde, Editor-in-Chief of Bruxelles2, discusses the main issues on the agenda of the NATO Summit held on 8-9 July in Warsaw, Poland.

During the Summit, leaders of the Alliance will discuss means to strengthen the Alliance’s defence strategy with a special emphasis put on Eastern Europe, where NATO will deploy four multinational battalions, and in the Middle East, where NATO is to deploy its AWACS surveillance aircraft to help counter ISIS. Additionally, some more political chapters will be on the agenda, especially with respect to the strengthening of EU-NATO relations and the way forward in a post-Brexit Europe. Nicolas Gros-Verheyde has the story.