Fight against terror: Planning terrorist acts must be criminalised, Civil Liberties MEPs say

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 4 juli 2016, 21:07.

Travelling abroad for terrorist purposes, training or being trained, incitement to terrorism or financing of terrorist activities must be criminalised in all EU i member states. In a vote on Monday night, ahead of upcoming talks with the Council on the proposal for a new counter-terrorism directive, MEPs also stressed the need to protect and assist victims, especially across borders.

The amendments, prepared by lead MEP Monika Hohlmeier i (EPP, DE), were passed by the Civil Liberties Committee with 41 votes to 10, with 4 abstentions.

Rapporteur i

Hohlmeier will give a in Parliament's press briefing room in Strasbourg on the outcome of the vote.

A full press release with details of MEPs negotiation position will be available on Tuesday morning.

The proposal for the Counter-terrorism directive was presented by the Commission i on 2 December 2015 in the wake of the November Paris attacks and is considered a key tool in the joint fight to prevent terrorism.

REF. : 20160620IPR32963


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