Speech by President Donald Tusk at the opening ceremony of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 1 juli 2016.

The greatness of a country is not determined by its area, the greatness of a country is not determined by its population. Today we speak of Slovakian greatness not by measuring it in square kilometres, nor based on demographic statistics, but by evaluating the results of your work, your determination, patience and wisdom.

You have demonstrated these attributes since the beginning of your indeed challenging history. You have built your independence with patience and wisdom, and with equally great determination you have built your position in Europe. You have shown everyone what it means to be proud. You asked no alms of anyone. You didn't want anything for free. You demanded only respect and understanding for your ambitions. Great, but justified ambitions. And today you quite rightly enjoy the respect and recognition of all of Europe, all of the international community.

You have also proved that despite difficult historical and political circumstances you are able to build good relations with all your neighbours. I appreciate this ability of yours not only as the President of the European Council, but also as a Pole. In tough times for Europe, your responsibility, resourcefulness and common sense can set an example for others.

That is why I am happy that it is Slovakia that for the first time takes up the EU i presidency. From this moment on, a great responsibility lies with you, both for the daily management of Europe for the next six months as well as for the process of revitalisation of our community. It is Bratislava that in September will host the 27 European leaders who will be debating the future of post-Brexit Europe.

Looking at how much you have achieved over the past years, and how you are coping in this critical moment for Europe, I have to say that the EU couldn't wish for a better presidency.

(The speech was delivered in Slovak.)