Presidency and European Parliament reach provisional deal on ports reform

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 juni 2016.

On 27 June 2016 the Netherlands presidency reached an informal agreement with the European Parliament on new rules to increase the financial transparency of ports and ensure equitable access to port services. The agreement is subject to approval by the Council.

The draft regulation aims to increase transparency in the financial relationship between the state, ports and port service operators. This will contribute to better use of public funds and to the effective and fair application of EU competition rules in ports.

It also sets out a framework for the provision of port services, aimed at promoting fair competition and reducing legal uncertainties. This should improve the quality and efficiency of port services and boost investment in ports, so that they can adapt to current and future transport and logistics requirements. The new rules would also help to improve the integration of maritime transport with other transport modes, thereby contributing to more environmentally friendly transport.

The Dutch Minister for Infrastructure and the Environment, Melanie Schultz van Haegen i, said: “I'm proud of the result we have achieved during the Dutch presidency, together with the European Parliament and the Commission. With this regulation we take the first necessary steps towards a common framework for port services as well as financial transparency, which is essential in promoting a level playing field across Europe and strengthening the competitiveness of European ports.”

The presidency will submit the outcome of the negotiations for approval by member states at a meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 29 June.