Indicative programme - Foreign Affairs Council of 20 June 2016

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 juni 2016.

Place: European Convention Centre Luxembourg (ECCL)

Chair: Federica Mogherini i, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

All times are approximate and subject to change

from 08.00

Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 09.20

Doorstep by High Representative Mogherini

+/- 09.30

Beginning of Foreign Affairs Council meeting (roundtable)

Adoption of the agenda

Adoption of A Items

+/- 09.35

The Arctic

The Sahel

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

+/- 13.00

Working lunch on Middle East Peace Process

+/- 15.00

Visa liberalisation in the context of EU-Georgia relations


+/- 16:30

Press conference (live streaming)

In the margins of the meeting - EU/Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Council


Beginning of the meeting (roundtable)

(tbc) 19.30

Press conference (live streaming)

Zitting van de Raad Buitenlandse Zaken op 20 juni 2016

Foto's en videobeelden van de zitting, Raad Buitenlandse Zaken, 20 juni 2016


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