MEPs debate new forms of radicalisation

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 22 juni 2016, 18:56.

More must be done to fight new forms of radicalisation, including the rise in radicalisation of “lone wolves” via the internet, and also to address the various forms of hatred and violence directed against different groups in society, argued MEPs in a debate with Council and Commission on Wednesday afternoon.

Speakers paid tribute to the victims of the horrendous attack on a gay night club in Orlando (USA) on 13 June, the two French police officers murdered at home in Magnanville (France), also on 13 June and UK MP Jo Cox, who was stabbed in Birstall (UK) and died of her injuries on 16 June.

MEPs stressed the need to step up efforts further to counter radicalisation online, in prisons and in schools, to create counter-narratives and to prevent the spread of hatred. They also highlighted the progress already being made in this field, such as the establishment of Europol’s Internet Referral Unit, which aims to ease the removal of praise of terrorist acts online. A few MEPs criticised the EU Commission for not doing enough to tighten up border controls and called for tougher sanctions against travelling for terrorism or praising terrorist acts.

Catch up with the debate on video on demand ().

REF. : 20160622IPR33301