World Refugee Day: 2016 Civil Society Prize rewards actions supporting migrants

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 juni 2016.

Today, the UN World Refugee Day calls for solidarity with the nearly 60 million people who are displaced worldwide. Last year, over one million arrived in Europe seeking safety, more than half of them fleeing from war in Syria. Civil society played a key role in the response to the crisis and its contribution is essential for a successful integration of asylum seekers.

To acknowledge this effort, the 2016 Civil Society Prize will go to projects delivering concrete help to these displaced persons. As in previous editions, the award has a total value of 50 000 euros that may be shared between up to five winners. And this year, candidates are to apply directly via email until the 9 of September. Check all the details here!