Video Diplomatic Café: 20 June Foreign Affairs Council insights

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 juni 2016.

ViEUws and B2 go behind-the-scene of European diplomacy. Johanna Bouquet, journalist at B2, is joined by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde, Editor-in-Chief of Bruxelles2, to discuss the main issues on the agenda of the Foreign Affairs Council on 20 June 2016.

It is a very busy agenda for the penultimate Foreign Affairs Council before the summer break. Foreign Affairs ministers will discuss the integrated EU policy for the Arctic and review the situation in the Sahel region. Over lunch, they will discuss the Middle East peace process. On top of that, they may adopt the decision to extend the EU NAVFOR Med Operation Sophia mandate, as well as two additional supporting tasks (the training of Libyan coastguards and the implementation of the UN arms embargo on the Libyan high seas). Nicolas Gros-Verheyde and Johanna Bouquet have the story.