World leaders gather in Brussels as 10th edition of European Development Days kicks off

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 15 juni 2016.

Today, the tenth edition of the European Development Days, Europe's leading forum on global development and cooperation, kicks off. Discussions will focus on the implementation of Agenda 2030, adopted by the United Nations and made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

During the event, a number of new initiatives and partnerships on international cooperation will be put in place, to highlight the diverse nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella i, will highlight a new initiative to promote eco-entrepreneurship and green job creation - the SWITCH TO GREEN flagship initiative. This will support partner countries in their transformation to an inclusive green economy to generate growth, create decent jobs and help reduce poverty. It will promote the adoption of sustainable consumption and production practices by the private sector, in particular SMEs. The flagship initiative builds on the existing SWITCH ASIA, SWITCH MED and SWITCH AFRICA projects which have already allocated €200 million to initiatives promoting green businesses.

Commissioner Mimica i will sign a new partnership with the Prime Minister of Samoa, Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi, to support Samoa with €20.2 million. The new funding will be provided in the form of €17.1million budget support for water and sanitation and €3 million to help the country adapt to the impact of climate change, through the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) and €100,000 for auditing and evaluation. The new partnership is expected to significantly increase the share of the Samoan population who have access to clean water, from the current 75% to up to 90% by 2018.

Vice-President/High Representative Federica Mogherini i, Commissioner Mimica and Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director for UN Women, will deliver and sign a Statement to recommit to the strategic partnership between the UN and EU i established in 2012. In order to reach the 'Planet 50-50' by 2030, both partners will continue working together and stepping it up for gender equality and women's empowerment worldwide. Particular attention in future joint initiatives will be given to new global challenges, such as ensuring that gender dimensions are understood and recognised in refugee and migration policies, in fighting trafficking in human beings, in preventing and countering violent extremism and in addressing climate change.

Commissioner Mimica will host the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Advisory Board, on 15-16 June. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon i and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, will co-chair the meeting, which will also see the participation of international leaders, private sector and civil society, who will come together in the joint effort of combating energy poverty and looking at how to progress towards the achievement of the seventh Sustainable Development Goal (access to affordable and clean Energy).

In parallel, a Transfer Agreement will be signed between the EU and the US Government for the USD 10 million contribution by USAID Power Africa initiative, to ElectriFI- the EU's Electrification Financing Initiative. This contribution will be targeted at sub-Saharan Africa projects and will make a real difference in common efforts to facilitate rural electrification in the region.

For more information

Press release:Key players from across the world come together for the 10th anniversary of European Development Days

The opening session of the event, and several other highlights, is broadcasted on Europe by Satellite:

European Development Days' website:

For information on the event, please send an email to


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