Mogherini hails EU role on the world stage

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 juni 2016.

The European Union has a key role to play in the world, also as a mediator and peace broker, High Representative Federica Mogherini i said today

In her speech at the Oslo Forum, together with ministers Brende and Zarif, Mogherini insisted also on the need for a multilateral approach to the many crises around Europe and far beyond.

"None of our Member States, alone, can compete any longer with continent-sized powers - and this should be clear to everyone. But together, we are in the world’s G3. We are not just one of the three biggest economies: we are the first aid donor, the first foreign investor, the first trade partner for almost all countries in the world", she said.

"If we pool together all our European assets, our diplomatic network is unrivalled. If we combine all our tools, hard and soft, we can be a true super-power. The choice is ours, and ours only."

"In most countries we are perceived as an honest broker - and this can be a powerful asset in the hands of peace," Mogherini said.

And great efforts for peace are needed in many scenarios, starting from Syria, where all actors have to be involved and see their interests in peace.

Yesterday, Mogherini also addressed the Nobel Peace Centre, taking the opportunity to thank the Norwegian Nobel Committee for awarding the EU i the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. She called for joint efforts in facing global challenges. "It's the only chance of success. Divided we fall, United we stand," she said.

During her visit to Oslo, the first bilateral in Norway, Mogherini met the prime minister, Erna Solberg, and the ministers of Foreign Affairs, Brende, of Defence, Soreide, and of European Affairs, Aspaker.

The HRVP held also a bilateral meeting with the Iranian Foreign minister, Javad Zarif, on the implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal and on the situation in Syria.


Speech by HRVP Federica Mogherini at the "Common challenges for Europe. A strategy for foreign and security policy" public event at the Oslo Forum

Joint press conference of the HR/VP Federica Mogherini with Børge Brende, Foreign Affairs Minister of Norway, and Javad Zarif, Foreign Affairs Minister of Iran


Federica Mogherini in Oslo : Speech at the "Common challenges for Europe. A strategy for foreign and security policy" public event

Joint meeting with Børge BRENDE, Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ine Marie Eriksen SØREIDE, Norwegian Minister of Defence, and Elisabeth ASPAKER, Norwegian Minister of EEA/EU Affairs

HRVP Federica MOGHERINI in Oslo, Norway on official bilateral visit and participation in the Oslo Forum - Meeting with Mohammad Javad ZARIF, Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister

Keynote at the Oslo Forum by HRVP Federica MOGHERINI

Joint press conference by Federica MOGHERINI, Børge BRENDE, Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister, and Mohammad Javad ZARIF, Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister

HRVP Federica MOGHERINI in Oslo, Norway on official bilateral visit and participation in the Oslo Forum - Meeting with Erna SOLBERG, Norwegian Prime Minister

Joint press point by Erna SOLBERG, Norwegian Prime Minister and Federica MOGHERINI