EUCAP Sahel Mali: EU verhoogt missiebudget met ongeveer € 5 miljoen

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 6 juni 2016.

On 6 June 2016, the Council increased the budget of EUCAP Sahel Mali by EUR 4 925 000, bringing the total budget of the mission for 2016 to EUR 19 million. This EU i civilian mission supports the three Malian internal security forces: police, gendarmerie and national guard.

Following security incidents in Bamako, notably the November 2015 attack against the Radisson Hotel, and the March 2016 attack against the EUTM Mali compound, the Council decided to increase the budget of EUCAP Sahel Mali. This will enhance the ability of the mission to support Malian security sector reform and ensure the mission' staff are protected by appropriate security measures.

EUCAP Sahel Mali supports the Malian state to ensure constitutional and democratic order and the conditions for lasting peace as well as to maintain its authority throughout the entire territory. The mission provides training and strategic advice to the Malian police, gendarmerie and national guard as well as relevant ministries in order to support reform in the security sector. The mission is part of the EU's comprehensive approach to security and development in the Sahel. Two other CSDP missions are in place in the region: EUTM Mali which contributes to the restructuring and the reorganisation of the Malian Armed Forces through training and advice and EUCAP Sahel Niger which supports the fight against organised crime and terrorism.

EUCAP Sahel Mali was launched on 15 April 2014. The Head of mission is Mr. Albrecht Conze, from Germany. His mandate was recently extended to 14 January 2017. The headquarters of the mission are located in Bamako, Mali.

Factsheet EUCAP Sahel Mali


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