High Representative launches new strategy in support of Myanmar's reforms

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 1 juni 2016.

The High Representative and the European Commission today set out a vision for ambitious and forward-looking EU i engagement with Myanmar as the country's transition enters its next phase.

"Myanmar is at a turning point,” said High Representative Federica Mogherini i. “The newly elected government has expressed its willingness to bring peace and development to its people, through a democratic path. As the European Union, we have constantly accompanied this path, and we are committed to cooperate even more with Myanmar to support the reform efforts of the government: to strengthen democracy, good governance, the rule of law, peace, national reconciliation and human rights, to tackle poverty and to boost trade and investment. With this Joint Communication, the EU renews its strong commitment to work with Myanmar’s authorities and civil society to reinforce our bilateral relations, to the benefit of our people.”

The document, entitled "Elements for an EU strategy vis-à-vis Myanmar/Burma: A Special Partnership for Democracy, Peace and Prosperity", contains a number of concrete proposals, which include:

Supporting Myanmar's goal to become a sustainable democracy with full respect for the rule of law through building effective institutions, assisting the reform of the security sector, and increased and differentiated engagement with society as a whole, including local governments, the justice sector, parliaments and civil society;

Cooperating with all concerned to implement an inclusive peace architecture including through a Joint Peace Fund. To help achieve lasting peace, the EU will share its experience, and work on building confidence and fostering reconciliation between the parties;

Working together with the Government of Myanmar on addressing human rights concerns, including the situation in Rakhine State and respect for minorities, combating hate speech and intolerance, and ensuring the full implementation of UN human rights resolutions;

Working directly with relevant institutions to increase the effectiveness of social services and to formulate sector policies as part of a state-building approach. Targeted technical cooperation will also be expanded to support the implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development;

Stimulating European business interest through the conclusion of an Investment Protection Agreement, while also promoting corporate social responsibility and responsible investment;

Enhancing cooperation with Myanmar as a member of ASEAN so as to strengthen the regional integration process as well as the EU's enhanced partnership with ASEAN.

The arrival in office of Myanmar’s democratically elected government on 1 April 2016 provided the opportunity for the EU to take a fresh look at its engagement with the country and align with the new priorities.

More info:

Fact Sheet : http://eeas.europa.eu/factsheets/news/eu-myanmar_factsheet_en.htm

Joint Communication : http://eeas.europa.eu/myanmar/docs/join_2016_24_f1_communication_from_commission_to_inst_en_v5_p1_849592.pdf

alttekst ontbreekt in origineel bericht

Press Release : http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-2008_en.htm