EU announces new funding to support post-conflict process in Colombia

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 27 mei 2016.

During an official visit to Colombia on 26-27 May, HR/VP Mogherini announced that the EU will provide an overall package of over €575 million to support Colombia's post-conflict and peace building efforts.

This package brings together cooperation funds provided by the EU Trust Fund, the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (€18 million) in support of the Colombian Government`s Rapid Response Plan and loans offered by the European Investment Bank together with ongoing cooperation (€67 million for period 2014-2017). It includes both short and medium term measures, in the form of technical assistance, grants and loans that will become available once the final peace agreement is signed.

Particularly important are the grants that will be provided through the Trust Fund, the "Columba Fund", to which the European Commission and ten Member States have already committed to contribute €90 million. The European Investment Bank (EIB i) has linked a loan package of €400 million to the actions financed by the Trust Fund.

During her visit, HR/VP Mogherini said: "The EU has supported the current peace process since the beginning and it will continue to accompany Colombia in the post conflict phase. Solid peace can only be built if the final peace agreement is effectively implemented and the EU has vast experience in peace building. We are determined to stand by Colombia, a close partner and ally, in its noble pursuit of bringing durable and lasting peace as well new opportunities to all Colombians."

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica also added: "Today's announcement sends a clear signal of the EU's ongoing and increasing commitment to Colombia - both over the short term, in helping to promote peace in areas affected by conflict, and over the long term, supporting durable and sustainable peace in the country".

The HRVP Federica Mogherini attended the signing ceremony of four EU projects: disbursement of a first tranche of a sector reform contract for local sustainable development (€5 million), the promotion of secure land tenure rights and equitable access to land in national protected areas (€3.2 million), comprehensive action against mines (€1.8 million) and community Radios for Peace and Peaceful Coexistence (€2 million). The objective of these EU projects is to contribute both to ensuring that the people of Colombia have the support they need and as soon as possible once the final peace agreement is signed, as well as continue to contribute to Colombia`s efforts to address the root causes of the conflict by building on ongoing cooperation.

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