14 new projects approved under the Partnership Instrument to boost the EU's cooperation with partners in Asia and the Americas

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 mei 2016.

The European Commission has approved 14 new projects under the Partnership Instrument to boost the EU's cooperation with our partner countries. These new projects, supported by a combined budget of €73.5 million, will underpin the EU's strategic objectives in external relations, boosting our common engagement in priority areas such as sustainable development, implementing commitments to tackle climate change, water diplomacy, increasing social corporate responsibility, enhancing market access conditions and fostering the EU's public diplomacy.

Delivering on its commitment to the climate change agenda, and in particular to advance on its long-held objective of establishing an international carbon market, the EU will support the development of a Chinese carbon cap and trade scheme, allocating €10 million to cooperation on Emissions Trading Systems. New projects in Mexico and Brazil (€7.5 million) and in the Republic of Korea (€2.4 million) will continue to contribute to support these countries' transitions to low carbon economies and promote EU Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises worldwide. In addition, €3 million will support six countries in Latin America in the sustainable phasing-out of ozone-depleting substances, thus implementing the Montreal Protocol. These projects should also contribute to the further uptake of European green technologies and create conducive conditions for the EU in international negotiations. Through strengthening water management dialogues with and water platforms in China (€6 million) and India (€2.4 million), the EU will look to bring about positive environmental change whilst at the same time increasing opportunities for EU businesses.

In line with the objectives set out in the "Trade for All" communication on the new trade and investment strategy adopted by the Commission in October 2015, and the recent Council Conclusions on Responsible Global Value Chains, €9 million will be allocated to a project on responsible business conduct and supply chains in Asia, designed to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Furthermore, €5 million will be committed to enhance cooperation with several of our Asian partners (China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the Association of South-East Asian Nations [ASEAN]) in the field of competition policy, in order to achieve a better investment climate for EU business in Asia. €17 million will be dedicated to achieving a level-playing field for intellectual property rights in China, ASEAN and Latin America, thus supporting the interest of EU innovators and rights holders.

The European Union will also seek to improve understanding of the EU and its policies through strengthening its public and cultural diplomacy outreach, engaging with civil society, academia and young people across the globe. In this context, the European Commission continues to co-fund, alongside the U.S State Department, the Fulbright-Schuman Programme.


The Partnership Instrument funds projects that enable the European Union to take part in shaping global change and promote its fundamental values. It is one of several instruments included in the EU's budget for 2014-2020 allocated for the financing of the EU's External Action. Through the Partnership Instrument, the EU cooperates with partners around the world to address global challenges of mutual interest. The Partnership Instrument funds activities that carry forward the EU's priorities, translating political commitments into concrete measures.

This programme builds upon the previous annual action plans adopted by the Commission on 16 October 2014 (AAP 2014 - Commission Decision C(2014)7423) and 22 June 2015 (AAP 2015 - Commission Decision C(2015) 4109 of 22 June 2015). The overall contribution in support of the EU's strategic interests amounts to almost €200 million to date.

For more information:

Service for Foreign Policy Instruments website
