Joint Statement on the outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 mei 2016.

On the occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit on 23-24 May in Istanbul, Turkey, Kristalina Georgieva i, Vice-President of the European Commission, Neven Mimica i, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development and Christos Stylianides i, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, have issued the following statement:

"Every day, thousands of innocent people are the victims of natural disasters and conflict. Over 130 million men, women and children depend on humanitarian assistance across the world, and the needs are constantly growing.

At this critical juncture, the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit has brought together the international community to seek ways to prevent and end crises as well as to strengthen and reshape the way aid is delivered.

We welcome the political communiqué endorsed on this occasion. The European Union pledged individual commitments at the summit concerning policies, programmes and funds it is responsible for and is committed to strong progress on each of the five core responsibility areas, for which core commitments have been formulated by the UN.

The World Humanitarian Summit has come to an end today, but our work towards a new global partnership linking political action to prevent crises, development assistance and more effective and principled humanitarian aid has only just begun. The challenges we are facing are complex, and there is no simple solution.

This is the moment to roll up our sleeves and transform the Summit commitments into concrete action. The European Union, as the world's largest donor of humanitarian aid, will play its full part in reshaping aid to better serve people in need and calls on all world leaders to do the same."


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