Joint Statement by Commissioner Avramopoulos and Canadian Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship John McCallum following their meeting in Toronto on 23 May

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 mei 2016.

European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs, and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos i and Canadian Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship John McCallum met yesterday in Toronto, Canada to discuss matters of common interest. They issued the following statement:

"Our meeting was constructive and productive and reaffirmed the strong bonds of friendship between the European Union and Canada. We discussed a broad array of issues of central importance to the European Union and Canada, including the challenges of the current migratory crisis and visa issues.

We exchanged views on the unprecedented global migratory crisis and the concerted efforts required of the international community to face up to the task. We discussed the exemplary efforts exerted by Canada to resettle Syrians in need of international protection, and the need for other countries to show equal leadership in this respect. Solidarity and responsibility should be our guiding moral, legal and political principles in this respect.

We exchanged views on how to ensure better legal channels, not only for those who need protection, but also those that can contribute economically and financially. Our economies need talent from abroad and we can learn from each other.

During our meeting we also addressed the issue of visa reciprocity between the European Union and Canada. We pledged to continue working together to resolve remaining issues in this area and we reaffirmed our commitment to take tangible steps on both sides to improve the current state of play.

Canada and the EU are historical key partners, not only on migration and mobility, and are committed in continuing this strategic friendship and relationship in the future."


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