Justice and Home Affairs Council, 20/05/2016 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 21 mei 2016, 1:14.

Main results

Visa policy

Ministers held a general debate on visa policy in the light of the recent proposals by the Commission related to visa liberalisation.

The Council stressed that visa requirements can only be lifted when previously agreed benchmarks are fulfilled. Ministers noted that the decision will be taken in a strict and fair manner whether these benchmarks are fulfilled on the basis of an assessment by the Commission.

The Council also agreed its negotiating position on the proposed regulation to revise the suspension mechanism which can be applied to all existing visa liberalisation agreements. On the basis of this mandate, the Netherlands presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament as soon as the latter has adopted its position.

Klaas Dijkhoff i, Minister for Migration of the Netherlands and President of the Council said: "Visa liberalisation has great advantages for the EU and third countries. Yet we need an emergency brake for all visa free countries to make sure that visa liberalisation cannot be abused. I'm pleased that we agreed today on a mechanism that makes it easier to act against abuse. I'm looking forward to working with the European Parliament to realise this soon".


Home affairs ministers held an exchange of views on the current migratory situation, in particular the implementation of the EU-Turkey statement of 18 March and the migratory flows in Central Mediterranean.

The Council expressed political support for Greece's designation of Turkey as a safe country for the return of irregular migrants.

Participating states were in particular invited to speed up the resettlement of Syrian refugees from Turkey in the framework of the 1:1 scheme and were also urged to accelerate the relocation of asylum seekers from Greece and Italy, according to the Council decisions of September 2015.

Finding solutions to migratory pressures

European Border Guard

Ministers were informed about progress on the draft regulation on a European Border Guard. The aim of the Presidency is to reach an agreement by the two co-legislators by the end of June, as requested by the European Council.

Strengthening the EU's external borders


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