EESC to reward outstanding civil society initiatives CIVIL SOCIETY PRIZE 2016 on MIGRATION

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 23 mei 2016.

For nearly two years the large and unprecedented flow of refugees from war-torn or underdeveloped countries to the European Union has heavily impacted Europe's political and social life. Providing food and shelter for the masses of refugees reaching the EU, familiarise them with the new realities and cultural differences as well as supporting them through their integration process was and still is a major challenge which the concerned Member States could only face thanks to the spontaneous and overwhelming support of citizens and civil society in general.

The EESC Civil Society Prize 2016 wishes to reward civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution in taking on this challenge by helping refugees and migrants and thus promoting European values and cohesion.

More specifically, the 2016 Civil Society Prize will reward initiatives which have already been implemented or are still ongoing and which meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Provide migrants/refugees with first responses and immediate relief;
  • Provide social support, housing and health services;
  • Offer practical support and advice;
  • Combat xenophobia, racism and discrimination;
  • Combat exploitation and promote mutual respect;
  • Raise awareness of rights and obligations;
  • Provide training for third-country nationals and receiving communities.

The full list of requirements as well as the application form are available on our webpage - 2016 EESC Civil Society Prize. This year for the first time candidates' applications for the Civil Society Prize can be sent directly to the EESC without nomination by an EESC member.

We kindly invite you to encourage civil society organisations in your country to apply for the EESC Civil Society Prize 2016 and thus help valuable projects win recognition.

For more information, please contact:

Silvia Aumair


Tel: +32 2 546 8141