EU Ministers set out review of development policy to follow up Agenda 2030

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 mei 2016.

EU development Ministers were in Brussels Thursday to discuss a review of EU development policy, migration and development and the forthcoming World Humanitarian Summit. The meeting was chaired by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. The Ministers also held talks with Afghan Finance Minister Eklil Ahmad Hakimi.

Speaking to the press after the meeting, Mogherini announced: "Today we decided to launch the review of our development policy to follow-up the adoption of Agenda 2030 last year in New York." The new Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), she added, are already producing "a change, a shift in our policies both internally and externally."

Mogherini explained the European Union and its Member States are already "the first donor almost everywhere in the world." However, she added, improved cooperation among EU institutions and Member States could multiply the impact of European development aid: "Today, with the Ministers, we agreed to increase the level of coordination and do joint development cooperation in a series of countries," the High Representative told the press. Mogherini shared graphs showing the combined share of European and national investments in selected countries (link).

The High Representative explained that "joint programming" can have a multiplier effect for European development funds, mobilising private investments in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB): "This can represent a kind of external investment plan, parallel to the Juncker Plan for investment inside the European Union." Speaking after the High Representative, the EU Commissioner for international cooperation and development Neven Mimica added: "We can make at least 10, 15 times more impact in partner countries."

Migration and development

Mogherini stressed that increased cooperation on development policies will also help tackle the root causes of migration: "This could represent the real turning point of our policy, especially towards some of the countries that are key in our work on sustainable development but also on migration and on security." The High Representative reported that development Ministers "worked on specific packages for 16 priority countries, presenting some elements that can encourage countries of origin and transit to have fruitful cooperation with us on the management of migration - mostly African and Asian countries."

World Humanitarian Summit

In the meeting Ministers issued conclusions saying "The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the global community to assume its shared responsibility to save lives, alleviate suffering and preserve human dignity. The EU and its Member States welcome the powerful vision set out in the UN Secretary-General's Report "One Humanity: Shared Responsibility" and its "Agenda for Humanity" .


EU Joint Programming: Facts and Prospects

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