In the run up to the Brussels Conference Mogherini chairs ministers' meeting with Afghan Minister of Finance

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 mei 2016.

Federica Mogherini i welcomed the Afghan Minister of Finance Eklil Hakimi today in Brussels in the framework of the Foreign Affairs Council in the Development Ministers' format. Minister Hakimi presented the new Afghan National Development Framework outlining the Government's reform agenda in the run-up to the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan on 5 October 2016.

Ministers welcomed the progress made on reforms and encouraged the continuation of their swift implementation. HRVP Mogherini underlined the EU's continued engagement, both politically and financially with a high level of development assistance (EUR 200 million per year until 2020), stressing that “helping Afghanistan not only helps the Afghan people, but it is also an investment into our security and stability in Europe”.

The EU will co-host the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan on 5 October 2015. The key objectives of the conference are:

to mobilize joint international and Afghan efforts to increase the effectiveness of sustained international funding,

to progress in the implementation of Afghan reforms, including on economic reform, rule of law, improved public finance management and anti-corruption so as to ensure the provision of the most important services and public goods and

to foster regional support for a political process towards peace and economic cross-border cooperation.

The Conference is the civilian complement to the July NATO Summit in Warsaw, where a reflection on how to guarantee sustained support to Afghanistan on a military and security level will take place.

In addition to the meeting with the Afghan Minister, today the Foreign Affairs Council adopted Council Conclusions on Afghanistan calling on the Government to promote a sustainable economic, social and environmental development, stressing in particular the fight against corruption. They also highlighted the EU's support for all efforts to facilitate an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process as well as to promote reconciliation at national and regional level. On irregular migration, the conclusions urge the Government's cooperation in readmitting Afghan citizens in accordance with Afghanistan's international commitments.

Link to

Brussels Conference on Afghanistan

Council Conclusions