GUE/NGL strengthens its cooperation with the parliamentary group of Fatah

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links (GUE/NGL) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 28 april 2016.

GUE/NGL today adopted an International Declaration in solidarity with the Palestinian people, reiterating its demand for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the conclusion of a peaceful two-state solution.

In order to achieve these goals it is "the strong will of GUE/NGL to cooperate with left forces in Palestine," Gabi Zimmer stated.

On this occasion Gabi Zimmer declared: "I am honoured to sign today our first agreement of cooperation with the parliamentary group of Fatah in the Palestinian Legislative Council. It is for the first time that GUE/NGL is signing such an agreement with partners from outside the EU. I am looking forward to future regular political consultations, exchange of experiences and common initiatives."

Mr Azzam Al-Ahmad, Head of the parliamentary group of Fatah in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), added: "This cooperation is not only of great importance for us but for all left forces in Palestine.

"All left forces of the PLC honour this step of deepening our relations in order to support the popular resistance in Palestine."

Martina Anderson i, Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with Palestine, concluded: "This declaration and our agreement with Fatah today is a symbol of our international solidarity with the Palestinian people. We are looking forward to sending a delegation to Palestine by the end of this year in order to build on this cooperation and to get first-hand information from on the ground."

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