A summit for the Mediterranean

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Maritieme zaken en Visserij (MARE) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 29 april 2016.

(29/04/2016) Commissioner Karmenu Vella was invited to deliver a speech at the “Mediterranean Leadership Summit” organized by the Economist in Malta on 28 and 29 April 2016. The conference comes at a time when the countries of the Mediterranean Sea are called upon to share their vision for stability, growth and competitiveness in the region.

An impressive line-up of high-level participants discussed Europe’s financial stability, the migration issue, tourism, trade, education and more. Commissioner Vella’s speech, entitled “The blue ocean economy - a shared heritage, a common future”, presented the key role of the Mediterranean for Europe’s economy, stressing however that blue growth goes hand in hand with good ocean governance, just as a viable fishing industry goes hand in hand with healthy fish stocks. He recalled the Commission’s strong commitment towards international ocean governance and present the various EU policies linked to the Med, not least the political initiative he just launched for the recovery of Mediterranean fish stocks: possibly a good example of much-needed leadership in the field of fisheries. For more information on the campaign please visit: MedFish4ever

Speech by Commissioner Vella: 'The Blue Ocean Economy - A Shared Heritage, A Common Future' at the Mediterranean Leadership Summit, in Malta.