The European Union's Development Cooperation with Senegal

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 april 2016.

Senegal is located at the extreme west of sub-Saharan Africa. Senegal is a least developed country (LDC), with an incidence of poverty as high as 48%. Senegal is the fourth economy in the West African sub-region. The majority of Senegal´s population (55%) live in rural areas, with 60% of the working population relying on agriculture, livestock and fisheries, which only generates 13% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Senegal is an example of successful democratic governance and stability in the region. Senegal was elected as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2016-2017.

EU cooperation with Senegal

Relations between Senegal and the European Union are excellent and dynamic, based on political dialogue, trade and development cooperation.

EU financial support for Senegal amounts to €347 million under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) which runs from 2014-2020. During the first phase of the 11th EDF (from 2014 to 2017), the EU will make available €200 million for the country.

These funds will allow the EU to work closely together with the government of Senegal to strengthen democratic governance, foster sustainable agricultural development and food security and invest in improved water and sanitation. This financial support is aligned to the government’s own strategic priorities and will strengthen the country on its path to sustainable development and growth by turning the agricultural sector into an engine of economic growth, as well as consolidating political stability, justice and security.

The second phase of this period (2018-2020) will be marked by joint programming with seven EU Member States who have bilateral cooperation with Senegal and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

In addition, Senegal receives funding through thematic budget lines. It is currently implementing 47 smaller projects (less than €1 million) worth €16.5m all over the country in the areas of child rights, food security, governance and waste management.

This follows the 10th EDF (2008-2013), under which Senegal benefited from €340 million, focusing on two key areas: trade/regional integration and sanitation. 31% of the funding was provided in the form of budget support, to underpin the efforts of the country to generate a strong and balanced growth, increase access to basic social services, protect vulnerable parts of the population and promote good governance and the rule of law. Further support in the sectors of water, energy, environment, food security, peace and security and support to civil society groups and local authorities amounted to approximately €60 million.

EU Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa

Set up to tackle migration and displacement issues in Africa, the European Commission launched an “Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa”. It is made up of €1.8 billion from the EU budget and the European Development Fund and complemented by contributions from EU Member States and other donors. To date, Member States' contributions amount to around €81.3 million and the EU expects more contributions to follow.

This Trust Fund will benefit a wide range of fragile countries across Africa, those most affected by migration, especially those encompassing the major African migration routes to Europe, of which Senegal forms part. It aims to foster stability in the regions and to contribute to better migration management. More specifically, it aims to address the root causes of destabilisation, forced displacement and irregular migration, by promoting economic and equal opportunities, security and development.

Five actions amounting to €73.6 million have already been approved in favour of Senegal under the Sahel/Lake Chad window of the EU Emergency Trust Fund. These projects are a concrete response of the EU to the commitments made under the Action Plan adopted at the Valletta Summit on 11 and 12 November of 2015, in which Senegal played a very active and constructive role.

Senegal is one of the largest beneficiaries of the EU Trust Fund so far. These new projects will help create economic opportunities, including for young people in rural areas, contribute to reduce irregular migration and promote voluntary returns.

EU Support to the West Africa region

The EU has continuously enforced its commitment to supporting the region of West Africa and has contributed to boosting growth, jobs and investment in the area.

Senegal is a long term partner for the EU in West Africa and is one of the beneficiary countries of the €6.4 billion allocated to 16 states in the region of West Africa between 2014-2020, mobilised as part of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) and designed to support investments that generate growth and job creation for the 300 million citizens of West Africa.

Example of EU work on field projects in Senegal:

Support sustainable improvements in productivity and competitiveness of bovine dairy sector in West and Central Africa (AMPROLAIT)

This project, which has been funded with €300,000, was initiated in 2012 in cooperation with the State Inter School of Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (EISMV) in the region of Kaolack and is planned to be fully implemented by the end of June this year. Through this project, the EU has made a significant impact on small dairy farms and dairy cooperatives in Kaolack. It has also provided an incentive for processors and sellers to sustainably improve the productivity and competitiveness of dairy production.

The project has so far been very fruitful: improving the nutritional status of the families, farmers and consumers - which translates into an enhanced milk output of 2-6 litres per day - and at the same time, reducing the bacterial contamination of raw milk. Furthermore a training scheme has been set up which has benefitted 160 producers, including 16% women and 44% young people so far, who were coached on the harvesting and preservation of natural hay and stabling of dairy cows.

Sustainable food system and fight against malnutrition in Dakar region (SADMAD)

Put in place at the very beginning of this year, this project has brought together a number of important stakeholders, (like GRDR Migration, Pan African Institute for Citizenship, Consumers and Development CICODEV Africa and the County Council of Rufisque), who embarked on a joint initiative designed to strengthen the resilience of populations in situations of food insecurity in the suburban area of ​​Dakar and Tambacounda, by putting in place sustainable food systems and promoting local products with a high nutritional value.

The project should be finalised by the end of 2018 and has a budget of €409,905. It targets approximately 3200 students from elementary schools in the suburbs of Dakar, 54 teachers of 4 schools and 12 producers. It helps to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy and diversified diet, supported by local products, among students, teachers, parents and school canteen managers. Moreover, it is expected that local officials will play an important role in the region by supporting family farming, thus reducing vulnerability of the food system in this area.


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