Monday 25 April: High level event on Innovative Ways for Sustainable Nutrition, Food Security and Inclusive Agricultural Growth

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 25 april 2016.

The European Commission will announce its plans to step up its funding in response to the effects of El Niño at this high level event, which will bring together key development stakeholders and partners to explore new synergies and partnerships to help achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal targets on food security and zero hunger.

Top development policy leaders and experts, such as Commissioner for International Cooperation & Development Neven Mimica i, UNSG Special Adviser on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, David Nabarro, Côte d'Ivoire African Business Women of the Year, Marie Konate and Executive Director of the World Food Programme, Ertharin Cousin, will discuss 4 key areas of food security:

Resilience to global food crises - the example of El Niño in 2016

Addressing the governance and accountability gap in nutrition

Innovation and Research for Development

Innovative financing in agriculture.

The background:

Food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture are among the EU’s top development priorities for the period of 2015-2020. In this regard, research and innovation are fundamental to achieving food and nutrition security goals.

The event:

25 April 2016 - Palais d'Egmont 1000 Brussels

09:30-17:00 (Registration open from 08:30)

Press can arrange interviews with experts and policy leaders through

The opening will be available on the Commission's Europe by Satellite and webstreamed.

The organisation of this event is supported by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).

The sources:

Registration required at:


Press contacts:

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email