Inter-religious dialogue to defeat radicalisation

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 april 2016, 10:32.

How European Muslims deal with radicalisation and the role that women can play in countering it and promoting de-radicalisation will be debated in a conference to be held by EP President Martin Schulz i and Vice-President Antonio Tajani i on Tuesday 26 April. Projects on the ground and what to do to confront the phenomenon at national and EU levels will also be assessed with leading-edge experts.

"Terrorism and radicalisation must be fought through prevention, monitoring, intelligence-gathering and updated rules and sanctions. But there is one tool which beats radicalisation before it even takes place: dialogue. We are increasingly witnessing the phenomenon not just of segregated societies, but of more and more segregated and alienated lives. Dialogue helps cure this sad reality. Next week's event will be the European Parliament's own contribution to tackling this issue", said EP President Martin Schulz.

"Many victims of extremist violence and Islamic extremist terrorism are Muslims themselves: we must unite our forces and denounce all forms of violence claiming a religious justification. I am convinced that Muslim communities in Europe and the world share this view. The goal of this conference is to give them a chance to show their opposition to radicalism and hatred. Who shoots in the name of God, shoots God Himself", said Vice-President Antonio Tajani.

Head of the Belgian Federal police department against radicalisation and terrorism Luc Van der Taelen, European Muslim Network Director General Malika Hamidi, Imad Ibn Ziaten Youth Association for Peace Founder Latifa ibn Ziaten and Unity of Faiths Co-Founder Dr. Shamender Talwar will be among the speakers.

The event is being organised under the patronage of Vice-President Tajani (responsible for Inter-Religious Dialogue) and will be opened by President Schulz and Mr Tajani himself. Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans i, ECR President Syed Kamall i, Women’s Rights Committee Chair Garcia Perez and EP Delegation to Maghreb Vice-Chair Tokia Saifi i will also contribute to the debate.

The programme with the list of speakers is available in English and French. Here’s some biographical info on the speakers.

Venue: Paul-Henri Spaak i building (PHS), room 5B001. Time: 15:00-18:30.

You can follow the debate live via webstreaming and on our Storify in English and French, using #ReligiousDialogue.

For interview requests, please contact:

Maria Brianchon


Note to editors

Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) provides a legal basis for an open, transparent and regular dialogue between the EU institutions and churches, religious associations, and philosophical and non-confessional organisations.

REF. : 20160421IPR24317