Foreign fighters: Civil Liberties Committee debates how to tackle the phenomenon

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 april 2016, 14:24.

Foreign fighters will again top the agenda when the President of the EU judicial cooperation agency Eurojust presents its views on the phenomenon and the criminal justice response to it, before the Civil Liberties Committee on Wednesday at 11.30. On Thursday, MEPs will debate how to put a stop to foreign fighters in the context of legislative work under way to combat terrorism and step up checks at external borders.

Lead MEP on the draft regulation to step up checks against databases at external borders Monica Macovei i (ECR, RO) will present her draft report to the committee on Thursday at 9.30-10.00. The proposal suggests doing systematic checks on EU citizens at external borders and not only on third country nationals, as is the case today.

On Thursday afternoon, MEPs will also go over amendments to the draft report on combatting terrorism, which proposes making it a criminal offence to prepare terrorist acts, for example by travelling for terrorist purposes (lead MEP Monika Hohlmeier, EPP, DE).

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REF. : 20160419IPR23992