Description of the new measures adopted to tackle the root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in the Sahel region and Lake Chad Basin

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 18 april 2016.

Summary of measures to be adopted immediately

At regional level

Measures at regional level aim to provide a coherent response to the needs of the countries in the region in respect of migration management, the fight against trafficking and improving the identification of persons, while facilitating returns and reintegration.

  • West African police information system/WAPIS (EUR 5 million) This project aims to increase the ability of G5 countries to combat organised crime, trafficking and terrorism, by building or strengthening the ability of national administrations to collect, centralise, manage and share data provided by the police.

At national level

In Burkina Faso, two programmes (EUR 30.2 million) will be implemented to support people in the North and ensure better socio-economic integration of women and young people in rural areas.

  • Resilience of the most vulnerable people in Northern Burkina Faso. The programme aims to strengthen the resilience of people in the north, particularly in the areas of health and food security.
  • Socio-economic integration project for women in the Sahel. The programme is aimed at young people and women in rural areas, with a view to improving the social reintegration of these groups in Sénopar province. Various lines of action are planned: income-generating activities, strengthening social cohesion and the role of women and improving living conditions for the most vulnerable households.

In Cameroon, three programmes (EUR 37 million) will help strengthen the resilience of the people while revitalising the economic and social fabric. These measures also seek to maintain stability and peace.

  • Response programme to deal with the effects of internal and external population movements in the Far North Region. The overall objective of this programme is to help strengthen the resilience of the people in the cross‑border regions of Nigeria, Central Africa and Cameroon by, among other things, revitalising the economy.
  • Project to promote employment and strengthen resilience in Northern Cameroon In order to promote stability and peace in the northern regions of the country, activities will be carried out to prevent radicalisation, improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable social groups and promote social cohesion.
  • Investment project in support of local economic development in the Far North Region, promoting the employment and integration of young people. The programme aims to provide support to the communes in this region for economic development and to prevent migration to towns and/or recruitment by criminal and extremist organisations through socio-economic investments and by creating jobs.

In Mali, two measures (EUR 19 million) will help to implement the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, kick-start economic activity and support the local development initiatives of the Malian diaspora.

  • Security and Development in northern Mali. This aim of this project is to help implement the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali while supporting the construction of local infrastructure that can be deployed quickly and easily, and is designed to respond to the most pressing needs of populations in the Northern regions of Mali. The project follows on from the SDNM 1 project, which is currently being implemented in the Kidal region. This action expands the geographical scope of the project to five other regions: Timbuktu, Gao, Menaka and Taodeni, as well as the section of the Mopti region located in the red zone.
  • Project to support the Malian diaspora's investments in regions of origin. The aim of this project is to promote collective development initiatives in regions of origin (generally through migrant associations in the countries of immigration), support productive investment in Mali by the Malian diaspora, increase the impact they have on employment and help implement Mali's national migration policy. It will consolidate the results of the Franco-Malian and European‑Malian bilateral programmes on migration and development implemented since 2002, which have mobilised the Malian diaspora settled in France and in Spain with a view to contributing to economic and social development in their regions of origin.

In Mauritania, two programmes (EUR 6.2 million) will be implemented in order to facilitate the professional integration of disadvantaged young people and to enhance the protection of migrant children against exploitation and trafficking.

  • Programme to integrate disadvantaged young people into the building sector (PECOBAT). This project seeks to improve the employability of young people and their integration into a job sector with huge potential - bioclimatic construction using local materials - as well as promoting the private sector and sustainable economic activities in the earthwork masonry professions. The central part of this strategy involves setting up a 'training site'. This training site will provide training for young people in a professional environment which is conducive to learning, since it combines both theoretical and practical training.
  • Project to protect migrant children against exploitation and trafficking. The objective of this project is to improve the management of migration flows through action focused on increasing the protection of migrant children against exploitation and trafficking. Special attention will be paid to the regions bordering Senegal and Mali and big cities such as Nouakchott and Nouadhibou which have the highest number of children who may be attracted by unsafe migration or targeted by criminal and extremist organisations.

In Niger, three programmes (EUR 42.9 million) aim to support the farming industry, integrate young people into employment and strengthen the fight against irregular migration and human trafficking.

  • Creating jobs in the transit areas of Tahoua and Agadez in Niger Actions will be implemented as part of this programme to support the farming industry and create job opportunities for migrants in transit: strengthening infrastructures and services in the agricultural sector, harnessing the economic potential of agricultural products and creating jobs.
  • Integrating young people into employment in the transit areas of Zinder and Agadez in Niger The aim of this project is to support the training and professional integration of young people in the these two regions of Niger, the economies of which depend heavily on migrant smuggling and the activities this creates. The programme's objective is to improve the quality of technical and professional training at central and regional level and to improve the employability of young girls and boys in the regions in which the project is to be implemented.
  • Setting up a joint investigation team to combat irregular immigration, human trafficking and people smuggling. This pilot project, which was identified in the Valletta Action Plan, aims to strengthen the ability of the Nigerien Police to combat illegal immigration, document fraud, human trafficking and people smuggling to enhance the protection of potential victims of criminal networks and improve the policing of borders.

In Nigeria, three measures (EUR 36.1 million) will help to strengthen the resilience of the people, prevent conflict and promote stability.

  • Linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) and promoting the stability and security of communities in north-east Nigeria. The overall objective of this measure is to promote stability and resilience among people affected by conflict and displacement in north-east Nigeria. The programme will help improve access to basic services for vulnerable people affected by displacements, boost socio-economic recovery and ensure sustainable livelihoods for displaced persons, host communities and returnees, focusing in particular on the needs of young people to reduce the risks of crime and radicalisation, and improve community safety and conflict mediation. The activities will be implemented in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa.
  • Investing in the safety and integrity of Nigerian girls (I-SING).This measure aims to improve the protection, access to informal education and economic empowerment of 12 000 teenagers through a community approach, based on an existing network of community committees, women's groups and trainers in north-east Nigeria. In addition to young girls, the programme will target 5 000 teenage boys through activities to improve their means of subsistence while enhancing their awareness of the added value of gender equality and healthy masculinity.
  • Improving conflict management capacity at State and community level in north-east Nigeria.The overall objective of this programme will be to build conflict management capacities at State and community level in order to combat radicalism and stop conflict from escalating into violence. More specifically, the project will focus on: strengthening conflict management mechanisms at community level; promoting reconciliation and stability; supporting women's participation in the peace-building process and taking into account the impact of violence against women and young girls.

In Senegal, two programmes (EUR 60 million) aim to promote economic development and boost the resilience of the people.

  • Developing employment in Senegal: strengthening businesses competitiveness and employability in departure areas. The aim of this programme is to promote employment and the professional integration of young people in migrant departure areas. It recommends upgrading businesses in sectors with high potential (together with the ‘Bureau de mise à niveau des entreprises’ (Office for the upgrading of businesses) and the ‘Agence pour le développement et l'encadrement des PME’ (Agency for the development and management of SMEs)) and enhancing the professional skills of the employable workforce in these sectors and regions. It will also help increase the employability of young people without qualifications in the craft industry.
  • Project to support reducing migration through the creation of rural jobs in Senegal by setting up village and small family farms (‘Naatangué’ farms) in regions with a high migration potential. The aim of this programme is to improve living conditions in rural areas in order to reduce irregular migration, combat poverty and support the resilience of the people. Several activities will be carried out: creating new farmland by setting up Naatangué farms and providing technical support and training to farmers (both men and women). This project is one of the priorities established as part of the EPA Development Programme in West Africa (EPADP).

In Chad, two measures (EUR 45 million) will be implemented with a view to strengthening resilience and helping ensure stability in the Lake Chad Basin.

  • Resilience in Lake Chad. The programme will implement actions to strengthen resilience by increasing access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for vulnerable people living in the Lake area and the region of Hadjer-Lamis.
  • Project to strengthen resilience and peaceful coexistence in Chad (PRCPT). The aim of this project is to reduce destabilising cross-border factors with a view to improving the living conditions of local populations, refugees and returnees, strengthen the resilience of the people and increase economic opportunities by implementing local and community development plans.


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