EU to give first report on Turkey deal this WEEK

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 18 april 2016, 9:30.
Auteur: Peter Teffer

A month after the European Union and Turkey agreed on the details of a plan to stem the flow of migrants, the implementation of that plan will be discussed in the EU's various structures this week.

The European Commission is scheduled to present its findings on the EU-Turkey agreement on Wednesday (20 April).

Foreign ministers are meeting in Luxembourg on Monday (18 April) and Tuesday to discuss several aspects of migration, not only the EU-Turkey deal, which foresees the EU resettling Syrian refugees from Turkey for every illegally crossed migrant that Turkey takes back from Greece.

On Thursday (21 April), Luxembourg will see a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers, who will take stock of the EU-Turkey plan and discuss a reform of the European asylum rules, recently proposed by the European Commission.

Both ministerials will also feature talks about how to combat Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, the terrorist group from which many of the refugees have been fleeing.

The European Parliament civil liberties committee will discuss on Wednesday a report on foreign fighters - Europeans who went to fight in the war in Syria, and are at risk of returning radicalised. A day later, the same committee will talk about a commission report about Turkey's progress on visa liberalisation requirements.

The week ends with a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Amsterdam, where Greece will be back on the agenda, after featuring regularly during the debt crisis last year.

Greece's international lenders are in Athens on Monday to negotiate a review of Greek reforms, but newspaper Kathimerini said it was unlikely the review could be finished before the Eurogroup meeting on Friday.

On Tuesday, the commission will announce new measures as part of its digital single market sting.

At a speech earlier this month, digital commissioner Andrus Ansip i said the package of measures "will strengthen digital innovation and technology across all economic sectors".

Austrians will go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.

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