Mogherini leads Commission delegation to Iran: launches 'Dialogue of the 4 C's'

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 16 april 2016.

EU High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini i, today led a delegation of Commissioners on a high level visit to Iran to mark a new beginning in the bilateral relations.

The two sides agreed on the need to develop a broad and comprehensive agenda for enhanced bilateral cooperation, while they both stay fully committed to implementation of the JCPOA agreement in Iran's nuclear programme.

"We are turning the page. Today my message to Iran and to the Iranian people is that diplomacy is worthy", Mogherini said during the joint press conference that followed her bilateral and plenary meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. "As Europeans, we want the Iranian people to have and to see the benefits of this Agreement turning into changes in their everyday lives", she stressed. "I'm sure I speak on behalf of all my colleagues in the Commission but I dare to say that I speak on behalf on the 500 million Europeans that are supporting a new era in our relations."

"We aim at a dialogue that is comprehensive in scope, cooperative, in the fields where we have mutual interest, and our citizens have mutual interest", the HRVP stressed, "a dialogue that can be critical and open in the areas where we know we disagree, looking for common ground, and overall constructive in tone and in practice. So you can call it a 'dialogue of the 4 C's': comprehensive, cooperative, critical if needed, constructive always."

The two sides agreed to deepen their cooperation in the economic sector, on energy, education, migration, the environment and transport.

The EU and Iran have decided to start a human rights dialogue. "We also agreed to have a very frank and open dialogue on human rights. It is no secret that we have some concerns in this respect. Iran’s richness lies in its people and the diversity of the people. Respect for minorities and civil freedoms as enshrined in the Iranian Constitution are important pillars of a healthy society. And we decided to work on that as well," Mogherini underlined. To this end, there will be an exchange of visits of delegations.

Foreign policy was also high on the agenda: "We have a common interest in working together for the stability of the region, for translating this cooperative, constructive approach to regional dynamics and to work in particular on the priority of putting an end to the war in Syria," Mogherini said, adding that the two sides also aimed to work closely together on Yemen.

"Let me finish by stressing that this visit is not only a symbolic one, even if I am sure it is an historic one, because we want this visit to open a new chapter of concrete, substantial work that both, at institutional and people level, can deliver for our people, in Europe and in Iran."

To facilitate the programme of cooperation and with a view to preparing the future opening of an EU Delegation in Tehran, an EU liaison team will be sent to Tehran. This will contribute to strengthening the relations and implement future cooperation initiatives.

Commissioners visiting included EU Commissioners Elzbieta Bienkowska i (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), Arias Cañete (Climate Action and Energy), Christos Stylianides i (Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management), Violeta Bulc i (Transport), Carlos Moedas i (Research, Science and Innovation), Karmenu Vella i (Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and Tibor Navracsics i (Education, Culture, Youth and Sport). They met with their Iranian counterparts.

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