Mogherini debates recent progress of the EU foreign policy with the Parliament

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 april 2016.

High Representative Federica Mogherini i attended the monthly European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg on Tuesday 12. She took part in five debates with the Members of Parliament, including on the recent EU-Cuba political and cooperation agreement, on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh and on the implementation and review of the EU-Central Asia Strategy.

"Article. 36 debate"

Art. 36 of the Treaty foresees that the Parliament will hold "twice a year a debate on progress in implementing the common foreign and security policy, including the common security and defence policy." During this first general orientation debate the High Representative highlighted many of the challenges that the EU has been facing in the past year including Syria, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, and migration.


During the second debate of the evening, Mogherini addressed the concerns of the MEPs on the recent escalation of violence in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

EU- Cuba political cooperation agreement

On March 12, the High Representative concluded an historic "Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement" with Cuba in Havana. She briefed the Parliament on the conclusion of negotiations: "March was an historic month for Cuba, and we were there, Europe was there - not just as a bystander, but as a driving force for change."

The EU in a changing global environment

MEP Sandra Kalniete i reported on the role of the EU in a more connected, contested and complex world. The High Representative intervened in the debate to highlight as well the process of review of the EU Global Strategy which will steer the Union's global action and set new priorities. "The EU has an unique mix of hard and soft power. The challenge is to make these assets effective" she stressed.


Implementation and review of the EU-Central Asia Strategy

On the last debate of the session, MEP Tamás Meszerics introduced the discussion on the implementation and review of the EU-Central Asia Strategy. The High Representative reminded how this region stands at the crossroads between Europe, Russia and Asia and about the common interest shared with the EU, from peace in Afghanistan to the fight against foreign fighters.
