EU high level delegation of HR/VP Federica Mogherini and EU Commissioners to visit Iran

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 april 2016.

On 16th April, EU High Representative and Vice President Federica Mogherini i will lead a high level delegation to Iran. The delegation includes EU Commissioners Elżbieta Bieńkowska i, in charge of Internal Market and Industry, Violeta Bulc i, for Transport, Miguel Arias Cañete i, in charge of Climate Action and Energy, Carlos Moedas i, for Research, Science and Innovation, Tibor Navracsics i, in charge of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Christos Styliandes, for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis management and Karmenu Vella i, in charge of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Together with the group of Commissioners, the High Representantive/Vice-President will explore different sectors of cooperation with Iran. The visit follows on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreed in Vienna in July 2015 which gave the prospect for improved and expanded EU-Iran bilateral relations. The JCPOA's subsequent implementation in January 2016 paved the way for this work to begin.

The EU delegation will discuss areas of potential engagement and cooperation, which include economic relations, energy, environment, migration, drugs, humanitarian aid, transport, civil protection, science and civil nuclear cooperation, as well as culture. More broadly, regional and human rights issues will also be part of the agenda.

Ahead of the visit, the HRVP stated:

“This visit is an important step towards building cooperative relations between the EU and Iran on the areas where there is mutual interest and to have frank discussions on the issues where differences remain".

In Tehran, the EU delegation will have a plenary meeting with Foreign Minister Zarif and sectoral meetings between EU commissioners and their respective Iranian Ministerial counterparts. The HRVP will also meet with the Speaker of the Majles, Ali Larijani and the Secretary of the National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani.


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