Video UNEP Chief calls to reinvent agricultural economy

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 12 april 2016.

In an exclusive interview with ViEUws, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme Achim Steiner, talks to AGRA FACTS journalist Rose O’Donovan about the urgent need to reinvent the agricultural economy. He insists that sustainable agriculture and food security are at the heart of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted by world leaders in New York last September. Steiner makes a case for a “revolution in thinking” as the current food and farming system has been “ruinous” in many parts of the world in ecological and social terms. Finally, he echoes the words of UN Special Advisor Amina Mohammed - seen as one of the key architects of the post-2015 development agenda - that these ambitious and universal plans must leave nobody behind.