EU Tweets: Migration crisis, #Stopgeoblocking, Dutch referendum & Brexit

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op donderdag 7 april 2016.

Jennifer Baker presents EU Tweets of the Week, looking at the good, the bad and the ugly in the European Union Twittersphere this week:

  • Most debated: The spotlight is back on the Mediterranean as the EU started to return refugees in Greece to Turkey and Commissioner Avramopoulos i formally launched talks for a new EU border management.
  • The Good: With geoblocking reform on the cards thanks to digi Veep Andrus Ansip i, BEUC’s #stopGeoblocking video shows how ridiculous the practice is.
  • The Bad: Dutch citizens massively rejected the EU-Ukraine association agreement. Another blow for the EU?
  • The Ugly: The Leave EU campaign wanted to make a point criticising MEPs napping on the job… but they used pictures taken in the Belgian Parliament. #Fail

Send in your suggestions using the hashtag #EUtweets!