EU & UN pledge support for upcoming Yemen ceasefire & peace talks

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 april 2016.

The crisis in Yemen and the efforts by the EU and UN to bring about peace were centre stage in Brussels Tuesday (5 April) as UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed held talks with Federica Mogherini i. They discussed ways to support the ceasefire announced for 10 April and the resumption of peace talks in Kuwait on 18 April.

Speaking at a joint press conference after the meeting Mogherini emphasised that "the only sustainable solution to the conflict in Yemen is a political solution." She underlined that all parties in Yemen, the region and beyond must try to support the peace process.

Mogherini pledged practical support: "The EU will continue to pledge political support to this process - which I believe is absolutely crucial - but also practical support. I am pleased to confirm today, for example, that as a concrete contribution to crucial Confidence Building Measures, the European Union has been able to quickly mobilise technical support for the UN Special Envoy. On the 10th of April there should be a 'Cessation of Hostilities' and a 'Committee for De-escalation and Coordination', which will be staffed by the two sides."

The High Representative also thank UN Special Envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed for his work and the EU Head of Delegation to Yemen "who has been working in an extraordinary way on this crisis over these difficult years."

EU support for dire humanitarian situation

Mogherini also mentioned the suffering of the Yemeni people: "we cannot lose sight of the incredibly difficult humanitarian situation. The UN Special Envoy met yesterday with my friend and colleague Christos Stylianides [European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management]. They discussed at length all the humanitarian help that the European Union is providing and is willing to continue to provide. In spite of slightly improved access for aid, still 80% of the population is in need of substantial support."

"In Yemen, just as much as in the whole region, we cannot afford to lose an entire generation or generations to war and despair. The European Union will continue to find substantial resources in form of humanitarian aid."

Yemen has strategic position for whole region

She also stressed the importance of Yemen saying "The European Union will continue to actively, constantly support the efforts of the UN to achieve a sustainable and peaceful solution. Yemen sits in a strategic position for the entire region and for the Horn of Africa, connected with another important region for the entire world, Sahel, and also crucially for our European Union: it is a crucial hub on the route connecting the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean and it is also a crucial part of our fight against terrorism and radicalisation. It is also our direct and vital interest to make sure that Yemen does not turn into the next safe haven for terrorist organisations."


