Brussels on high alert after deadly explosions

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 maart 2016, 9:23.
Auteur: Eszter Zalan

Two explosions at Brussels Airport early on Tuesday (22 March) have killed at least one person and injured several others.

The explosions hit the departure hall at Zaventem airport, on the outskirts of the city.

According to local media reports, firefighters reported 11 deaths and 25 people injured. One death was confirmed by the Belgian federal police.

The cause of the explosions is not yet known. Officials could not confirm whether the explosions were terrorist attacks.

The airport has been evacuated and closed, flights have been cancelled and trains services to the airport suspended.

The explosions came four days after Belgian police captured Saleh Abdeslam, the main suspect in the Paris attacks in November.

The threat alert has been raised to the highest, level four, in all of Belgium.

Belgium's Het Laatste Nieuws reports that more bombs have been found.

Eyewitnesses described chaotic scenes.

"I was having a break and hear and felt a large explosion," an employee of Swissport told Flemish broadcaster VRT.

"We can see the departures hall from here and saw a plume of smoke emerging. The windows were completely shattered. People were exiting in shock. It doesn't look good."

Another eyewitness told De Morgen newspaper: "People hid under chairs and benches, because the ceiling was coming down. We immediately knew something severe was taking place. I went to see the the departures hall, which was completely destroyed."

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