Video EU Agriculture Briefing

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 maart 2016.

In this latest Brussels Briefing on Agriculture, AGRA FACTS journalists Rose O’Donovan and Ed Bray provide details of the latest support measures tabled by EU Farm Commissioner Phil Hogan i to alleviate the difficult market situation. At the Council meeting on March 14, he pledged to reactivate private storage aid for pigmeat to take surplus stocks off the market and to establish a market observatory for beef and pigmeat. At a time when there is a global oversupply of milk, Hogan said the Commission stands ready to allow voluntary dairy supply controls in a bid to restore market balance. The AGRA FACTS team also provides an update on EU-Mercosur trade talks and Russia’s on-going embargo on agricultural products. Keep an eye out for forthcoming interviews by the Agri-team at the annual Forum on the Future of Agriculture (March 22).