EU and Moldova meet to discuss relationship and reforms

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 maart 2016.

The EU will continue to support the Republic of Moldova in carrying out reforms, but also needs to see real results, especially in the fight against corruption. This is the result of the second EU-Moldova Association Council.

At the Association Council, the EU and Moldova took stock of their relationship. The EU is committed to closer political ties and stronger economic links with Moldova. At the same time, the Association Agreement, signed in June 2014 and now ratified by all EU Member States, sets out key reforms for Moldova.

At the meeting, EU High Representative Mogherini commended the commitment of Prime Minister Pavel Filip's government to reforms, but urged him to speed up these reforms and called for them to have real impact. The most important reform areas are the fight against systemic corruption and the de-politicising of state institutions. The EU has also been calling for a rapid and impartial investigation into the banking fraud that has rocked Moldova since 2014 and caused large-scale protest in Chisinau's streets. Reform of the justice sector is also much needed. The EU considers that such reforms are in the interest of Moldovan citizens. The Moldovan roadmap for reforms, with clear deadlines for concrete actions, will be a useful tool to monitor and foster the implementation of changes.

At the same time, the EU has been supporting Moldova with substantial funding over the last years. For 2014 to 2017, the European Neighbourhood Instrument alone has set aside between €335 million and €410 million for Moldova. The EU is ready to continue this support for the reform efforts, for instance through transferring know-how and projects in three areas: public administration reform, agriculture and rural development, police reform and border management as well as support to DCFTA implementation and civil society. The EU could resume the budget support disbursements currently on hold once certain conditions are fulfilled. These relate in particular to macro-economic stability, where an IMF programme is urgently needed, as well as sound public finance management, including the respect for budgetary oversight and transparency principles.


Joint press release following the Association Council

EU-Republic of Moldova Fact Sheet