Libya, Russia, Iran & Middle East dominate Foreign Affairs Council

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 14 maart 2016.

The March meeting of EU Foreign Ministers was dominated Libya, Russian, Iran & Middle East Peace Process. Speaking at the press conference after chairing the meeting, Mogherini laid out the key points. On Libya Mogherini reaffirmed the importance of a national government being formed in Libya which could provide security and stability. Mogherini told journalists that the EU stood ready to support by humanitarian and other means any new national government. And the work has started to sanctions persons who are obstructing the process towards the formation of the government.

Mogherini also outlined the discussions which took place on the EU's relations with Russia. Mogherini affirmed that the EU's relations with Moscow rest on 5 principles, unanimously agreed by all ministers: fulfilment of the Minsk agreement on Ukraine; support for the EU's eastern partners and central Asia; Strong EU internal resilience especially regarding hybrid threats such as communication; Selective Engagement with Moscow - for example of Iran, DPRK, climate change and support for Russian civil society.

Regarding Iran Mogherini said she updated Ministers on the implementation of the Joint Plan of Action and her forthcoming visit to Iran with eight other Commissioners in April. This would cover energy, transport, education and civil society among others.

On the Middle East Peace Process Mogherini said that she and the Ministers were in favour of working with the new French-led initiative and in creating synergies with the work on the EU and the Quartet.

Finally Mogherini explained that she updated the Foreign Affairs Council on the external work on migration which has taken place and will be presented to the European council later in the week.