Climate Chance World Summit: Call for Contributions

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 maart 2016.

We encourage CoR members to apply for a speaking slot at the forthcoming Climate Actors World Summit to take place in Nantes next 26-28 September. Promote your city or region's committments and achievements in fighting climate change and show the way forward. Deadline is 6 april 2016.

The success of CLIMATE CHANCE, a global summit for climate change actors, is above all based on the direct involvement of all the non-state actors. Would you like to present and share your ideas, innovations, actions plan, or contribute to collective discussion?

The CLIMATE CHANCE programme will be built on sumitted and selected proposals.

Four reasons to get involved:

Join the movement of non-state actors, whose major role was formally recognised by the Paris Agreement, and grow your network.

Participate in the effort of non-state actors in the fight against climate change and have a real platform with CLIMATE CHANCE, committed to long-term action.

Take part in the Action Agenda, a tool to help develop actions taken by non-state actors in the fight against climate change.

Share your experiences on an international stage and compare them with other international experiences.

All non-state actors can get involved!

Are you part of one of nine Major Groups defined by the UN (Business and Industry, Children and Youth, Farmers, Indigenous Peoples and their communities, Local Authorities, Nongovernmental organizations, Science and Technology, Women and Trade Unions)?

How do I respond to the call for input? 10 themes:


Mobility and Transport

Education, mobilisation, awareness raising

Energy: generation, distribution, consumption

Energy transition and employment


Decentralised cooperation and partnerships

Sustainable housing


Territorial planning

Proposals must therefore meet the challenge and thematic criteria set out above, whilst being innovative, able to be applied to other regions, cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, inspiring, collaborative, interactive and multiactor.

A submission platform for proposals will be open from 22 January. To guide you, a detailed call for input, as well as a tutorial on how to use the platform, will also be available for download.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Romain Crouzet by email :

Deadline is 6 april 2016.