European Commission announces additional €10 million of support to Cuba

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 maart 2016.

Commissioner Mimica said: "The €10 million of new support we are announcing today will help build the capacities of the Cuban public administration and sustainable food production. The EU i will continue to strengthen its cooperation with Cuba to support the modernisation process started by the Cuban government in 2008."

During the visit, Commissioner Mimica visited EU-funded projects in Cuba, including those focussing on sustainable food production and supporting the social and economic inclusion of Cuban youth. The Commissioner met with representatives of the Cuban Government, including the Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Mr Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz, the Minister of Economy and Planning, Mr Marino Murillo Jorge, the Minister of Energy and Mines Mr Alfredo Lopez Valdes, and the Minister of Agriculture Mr Gustavo Rodriguez Rollero. Commissioner Mimica also joined HR/VP Federica Mogherini i during her official visit to the country.


Out of the €10 miliion announced today, €7.7 million will support the Cuban economic modernisation process started in 2008 to support the capacities of Cuban public administration and will improve the tax collection process by sharing best practices.

An additional €500,000 will finance activities such as studies and seminars on the priority sectors of EU cooperation in Cuba, namely sustainable agriculture and food security, environment and climate change and support to sustainable economic and social modernisation.

The EU-funded project 'Environmental Bases for Local Sustainability of Food production' will benefit from a top-up of €1.3 million, part of the €10 million announced today. The project aims at reducing climate change vulnerabilities in the agricultural sector through the provision of the tools and knowledge to producers and to national and local authorities. This will allow food production to be sustained over the medium to long term despite the impacts of climate change.

For more information:

Website of the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development:


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