12th European Day in Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 maart 2016.

New rules for fight against terrorism


Statement by Gilles de Kerchove i, EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, on the European Day of remembrance of victims of terrorism

On the occasion of the European Day in Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism, the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, made the following statement:

"Today marks the 12th anniversary of the Madrid bombings. On this day in 2004, 191 people were killed and many wounded as they travelled into the city centre. Today we remember all of those affected by that attack. It is also a day to remember the victims of all terrorist attacks in the world. Unfortunately 2015 was a terrible year with attacks in Paris, Beirut, Tunisia, Ankara, Istanbul and in many places across Africa.

Today we express our condolences and solidarity with all victims of terrorism across the world. This phenomenon affects people of all faiths, including many thousands of Muslims. I also want to reiterate the strong determination of the EU to tackle the threat from terrorism. The Union is mobilising all of its resources, in support of the member states, to address the root causes of terrorism, to prevent more people from becoming radicalised, and also to fight terrorism effectively in Europe and beyond."