Justice and Home Affairs Council, 10-11/03/2016

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 maart 2016.

Place: Justus Lipsius building, Brussels

Chair(s): Klaas Dijkhoff i, State Secretary of Security and Justice and Minister for Immigration

Ard van der Steur i, Minister of Security and Justice

All times are approximate and subject to change

Thursday 10 February - Home Affairs

+/- 08.00

Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 09.15

Doorstep by Minister Dijkhoff

+/- 10.00

Beginning of Mixed Committee meeting (roundtable)

Adoption of the agenda


European Border and Coast Guard

+/- 12.45

Beginning of Home Affairs Council meeting

Adoption of the agenda

Adoption of legislative A Items (public session)

European Border and Coast Guard (public session)

Adoption of legislative A Items


+/- 13.30


+/- 15.00

Press conference (live streaming)

+/- 15.15

Continued Mixed Committee meeting


+/- 16.45

Continued Home Affairs Council meeting

Weapons (public session)

Fight against terrorism [1]

  • a) 
    Follow up of the implementation of the Council conclusions of 20 November 2015
  • b) 
    "Countering Terrorism Travel" (CTT)
  • c) 
    "Countering Violent Extremism" (CVE)

Friday 11 March - Justice

+/- 08.30

Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 08.45

Doorstep by Minister van der Steur

+/- 10.00

Beginning of Justice Council meeting (roundtable)

+/- 10.15

Counter Terrorism Directive(public session)

+/- 10.45

Digital agenda (public session)

  • a) 
    Supply of digital content
  • b) 
    Distance sales of goods

+/- 11.30

EPPO: Proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Prosecutor's Office (public session)

+/- 12.30

Other business

+/- 13.30


EU-US Privacy Shield


Matrimonial property/Registered partnerships

+/- 15.00

Press conference (live streaming)

[1] Exceptionally, in the presence of the Associated States

Video coverage in broadcast quality (MPEG4) and photo gallery


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